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Letra Música Give It All – Rise Against

Break through the undertow

Your hands I can’t seem to find

Pollution burns my tongue

Cough words I can’t speak, so I

Stop my struggling

Then I float to the surface

Fill my lungs with air, then let it out

I give it all

Now there’s a reason why I sing

So give it all

And it’s these reasons that belong to me

Rock bottom’s where we live

And still we dig these trenches

To bury ourselves in them

Backs breaking under tension

Before far too long these voices

Muffled by distances

It’s time to come to our senses

Up from the dirt

We give it all

Now there’s a reason why I sing

So give it all

And it’s these reasons that belong to me

Breathe (breathe)

The air we give (give)

The life we live (live)

Our pulses racing distances

(Breathe) so wet my tongue

(Give) break into song

(Live) through seas of competition

So please believe your eyes

A sacrifice

Is not what we had in our minds

I’m coming home tonight

Home tonight

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Rise Against

We give it all

Now there’s a reason why I sing

So give it all

And it’s these reasons that belong to me

Today I offer all myself to this

I’m living for my dying wish

I give it all

Now there’s a reason

There’s a reason

To give it all

Rise Against – Give It All – Ouvir Música

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