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Letra Música Everchanging – Rise Against

In the face of change
That’s when she turned to me and said
I’m not sure anymore
And there, amidst the waves and the cloudless skies
That’d blanket the year before
I watch my life wash ashore

Have you ever been a part of something
That you thought would never end
And then of course it did?
Have you ever felt the weight inside you
Pulling away inside your skin
And then something had to give?

Now the lines are drawn
Is this feeling gone?
The best parts of this have come and gone
And now there is all this is
With the reasons clear
We’ll spend another year
Without direction, full of fear
But now things will be different

There’s nothing simple when it comes to you and I
There’s always something in this everchanging life
And there probably always will
Now that time is getting harder to come by
The same arguments are always on our mind
We’ve killed this slowly fading light

Now the lines are drawn
Is this feeling gone?
The best parts of this have come and gone
And now there is all this is
With the reasons clear
We’ll spend another year
Without direction, full of fear
But now things will be different

And now something
Has kept me here too long
And you can’t leave me
If I’m already gone

Well now something (hey)
Has kept me here too long
And you can’t leave me (hey)
If I’m already gone

Now let’s say that something (hey)
Has kept me here too long
And you can’t leave me (hey)
If I’m already gone

Now that we
Make the same mistakes, we’re always hanging on
Break those promises we’re always leaning on
All this time spent waking up
I keep this line open to get this call from you
Speak the words
That keep me coming back to you
Now this time it’s all different

Now something has kept me here too long
And now I’m gone

Rise Against – Everchanging – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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