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Letra Música Behind Closed Doors – Rise Against

Chairs thrown and tables toppled

Hands armed with broken bottles

Standing no chance to win but

We’re not running, we’re not running

There’s a point I think we’re missing

It’s in the air we raise our fists in

In the smiles we cast each other

My sister, my brother

About the time we gave up hope and

We never find these locks still open

Stumbling on stones unturned

The hurt we feel, we all have found

The lives we’ve lost in such a change

But all they see is treason

Although we have no obligation to stay alive

On broken backs we beg for mercy, we will survive

(Break out) I won’t be left here

Behind closed doors

Bonfires burn like beacons

Guiding the lost and weakened

Flames dance on crashing waves

Guiding ships who’ve gone a stray

Time out, let’s stop and think this through

We’ve all got better things to do

A talk in circles run in place

Answers inches from my face

Although we have no obligation to stay alive

On broken backs we beg for mercy, we will survive

(Break out) I won’t be left here

Behind closed doors

Black eyes, broken fingers

Blood drips and I let it run

Down my lips and to my swollen gums

When hope is non-existent

Our instincts all scream: run

We never turn our backs or even bite our tongue

Although we have no obligation to stay alive

On broken backs we beg for mercy, we will survive

(Break out) I won’t be left here

Behind closed doors

Behind closed doors

Although we have no obligation to stay alive

On broken backs we beg for mercy, we will survive

(Break out) I won’t be left here

Behind closed doors

Rise Against – Behind Closed Doors – Ouvir Música

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