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Letra Música Still A Soldier – Trace Adkins

He’s got a corner lot on Dogwood Drive
A year old truck and a nine to five
Comes home at night to a pretty wife
With a baby due
He’ll sleep in on Saturday
Cut the grass if it don’t rain
After church he’ll watch the game
‘N’ have a beer or two
He’ll stand up
When he hears the anthem
And that won’t ever change
He’s still a soldier
He’s blood runs red, white and blue
He put away his gun and boots
But he still believes
The American Dream
‘Til his last breath he’ll always be
A soldier
He’s still a soldier

He’s on his couch for the news at ten
He’ll see those places that he’s been
And when a brother falls there’s a part of him that does too
And if they called and needed him back
Aw, he’d be on that plane

He’s still a soldier
He’s blood runs red, white and blue
He put away his gun and boots
But he still believes
The American Dream
‘Til his last breath he’ll always be
A soldier

He don’t wake up anymore
When he hears thunder
Aw, but even if he lives
To be a hundred
He’ll still be a soldier

He’s still a soldier
He put away his gun and boots
But he still believes
The American Dream
‘Til his last breath he’ll always be
A soldier
He’s still a soldier
He’s still a soldierTrace Adkins – Still A Soldier – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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