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Letra Música Goodbye Earl – The Chicks (Dixie Chicks)

Mary Anne and Wanda were the best of friends All through their high school days Both members of the 4H Club Both active in the FFA After graduation Mary Anne went out lookin’ for a brand new world Wanda looked all around this town and all she found was EarlWell it wasn’t two weeks after she got married that Wanda started getting abused She put on dark glasses and long sleeved blouses And make-up to cover a bruise Well she finally got the nerve to file for divorce She let the law take it from there But Earl walked right through that restraining order And put her in intensive careRight away Mary Anne flew in from Atlanta On a red eye midnight flightShe held Wanda’s hand as they worked out a plan And it didn’t take ‘em long to decideThat Earl had to die Goodbye Earl Those black-eyed peas They tasted all right to me Earl You’re feelin’ weak Why don’t you lay down and sleep Earl Ain’t it dark Wrapped up in that tarp Earl?The cops came by to bring Earl in They searched the house high and low Then they tipped their hats and said, “thank you ladies if you hear from him let us know”Well the weeks went by and Spring turned to Summer And Summer faded into Fall And it turns out he was a missing person who nobody missed at allSo the girls bought some land and a roadside stand out on Highway 109 They sell Tennessee ham and strawberry jam and they don’t lose any sleep at night ‘causeEarl had to die Goodbye Earl We need a break Let’s go out to the lake Earl We’ll pack a lunch And stuff you in the trunk Earl Well is that all right Good Let’s go for a ride Earl hey(The Dixie Chicks do not advocate premeditated murder, but lovegetting even.)The Chicks (Dixie Chicks) – Goodbye Earl – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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