Letra Música By Your Side – Sebastian Bach

So long my dear departed
Where did you go?
I can’t believe you’re gone and
The nights go on so slow
I’m missing you each morning
The days gone by
Again I feel the longing
To look you in the eye
You know I’ll never let you go
You know I’ll never hurt so bad
And if It takes a thousand years
I will be right there by your side
You know I’ll never let you go
When I lost you I was blind
And everytime I catch me in tear
You are right there by my side

I feel you when you’re watching from afar
Too young to leave me standing
I wonder where you are
The precious time we spent
My fondest memories
I’ll hold on to the promise
That you made to me

You know I’ll never let you go
You know I’ll never hurt so bad
And if It takes a thousand years
I will be right there by your side
You know I’ll never hurt you so much
When I lost you I was blind
And everytime I catch me in tear
You are right there by my side

I stare into his eyes and then I see your face
A dying love inside
A love you can’t replace
You’re looking down with pride
And let me show what I can’t tell

So long my dear departed
Where did you go?
I can’t believe you’re gone and
My life go on so slow

You know I’ll never let you go
You know I’ll never hurt so bad
And if It takes a thousand years
I will be right there by your side
You know I’ll never let you go
When I lost you I was blind
And everytime I catch me with tears
You are right there by my side
By my side
You are right there
You are right there
By my side

You are right there by my side
You are right there by my sideSebastian Bach – By Your Side – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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