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Letra Música Three Wooden Crosses – Randy Travis

A farmer and a teacher
A hooker and a preacher
Riding on a midnight bus
Bound for Mexico
One was heading for vacation
One for higher education
And two of them were searching for lost souls
That driver never ever saw the stop sign
And 18 wheelers can’t stop on a dime

There are three wooden crosses on the right side of the highway
Why there’s not four of them, heaven only knows
I guess it’s not what you take
When you leave this world behind you
It’s what you leave behind you when you go

That farmer left a harvest
A home and 80 acres
The faith and love for growing things
In his young son’s heart

And that teacher left her wisdom
In the minds of lots of children
Did her best to give ‘em all
A better start

And that preacher whispered
Can’t you see the promised land?
As he lay his blood stained Bible
In that hooker’s hand

There are three wooden crosses on the right side of the highway
Why there’s not four of them heaven only knows
I guess it’s not what you take
When you leave this world behind you
It’s what you leave behind you when you go

That’s the story that our preacher told last Sunday
As he held that blood stained Bible up
For all of us to see
He said, Bless the farmer
And the teacher
And the preacher
Who gave this Bible to my momma
Who read it to me

There are three wooden crosses on the right side of the highway
Why there’s not four of them now I guess we know
It’s not what you take
When you leave this world behind you
It’s what you leave behind you when you go

There are three wooden crosses on the right side of the highwayRandy Travis – Three Wooden Crosses – Ouvir Música

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