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Letra Música Amplifire – Powerspace

In your position with this hometown competition
You’re away
At least that’s what the magazines all say

You drive the streets
Where he let his love deplete
We’re one and the same
Two suburbanites looking for someone to blame

Maybe right now you look bored enough to die
Tomorrow you’ll be getting on a plane
And I don’t know why

You won’t be smiling on the flight home
When you know that
He left you, left you alone in limbo
So disconnect the phone
And let your sorrow stretch from here to LA
Cause you know that I’m still here
And I know it’s been a hard year
And it’s clear that your life is changing still
So let your smile stretch from here to LA

I know you’re trying
And at night you stay up, crying
You’re awake
You shut your ears and realize your mistake
The West Coast sunset
Doesn’t seem like so much fun yet
Does it now?
So you climb the stairs and search for your way out

And I’ve never hurt you
Like the boy you called your savior
Darling, do me just one favor
Look what a mess he’s made you

Chicago’s just a phone call away
I’ll be up all night
There doesn’t seem to be a solution
That makes this right

You won’t be smiling on the flight home
When you know that
He left you, left you alone in limbo
So disconnect the phone
And let your sorrow stretch from here to LA
Cause you know that I’m still here
And I know it’s been a hard year
And it’s clear that your life is changing still
So let your smile stretch from here to LA

You let him in
Believe your skin, oh
Baby, I know you’ll survive
You may be down
But you’re breathing and you’re still alive
You let him in
Believe your skin, oh
Baby, you’re still breathing
Baby, you’re still breathing

You won’t be smiling on the flight home
When you know that
He left you, left you alone in limbo
So disconnect the phone
And let your sorrow stretch from here to LA
Cause you know that I’m still here
And I know it’s been a hard year
And it’s clear that your life is changing still
So let your smile stretch from here to LAPowerspace – Amplifire – Ouvir Música

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