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Letra Música Move Ya Body – Nina Sky

Alright, right about now, Massive and crew
Ya dun know, saya Jabba pass through
Alright, now we have di biggest group singers here right now
Brand new inna di market, mi seh, everybody worldwide
Get use to dat group, yah, ya dun know
So right now girls, hey, move it, girl
Ooh, move your body, girl (move you, babe)
Makes the fellas go
The way you ride it, girl
Makes the fellas go
Ooh, move your body, girl (move your body)
Makes the fellas go
The way you ride it, girl (alright)
Makes the fellas go (yuh)

All up in the club, looking fly (yuh know)
Made your first approach and caught his eye (wuh?)
Slowly move your way towards the dance floor (everybody touch the dance floor)
Grabbed her hand and she whispered (calm it down)

Hold my hip, got in the groove
Stand behind me, let me grind with you
If I lick my lips, I’m prob’ly feeling you
I’ma make you go, ooh

Ooh, move your body, girl (move your body, baby)
Makes the fellas go
The way you ride it, girl (everybody)
Makes the fellas go
Ooh, move your body, girl
Makes the fellas go
The way you ride it, girl
Makes the fellas go

Woo (you feelin’ it now)
Take it slow, turn me on (slowly, baby)
Club gets warmer (warmer)
Body moves closer (closer)
One with the rhythm (rhythm)
Don’t stop moving
You’re making me hot

From head to toe
I feel your flow
Vibe gets stronger (stronger, hey)
Party seems longer (longer, yo)
Makes me really want ya
Don’t stop moving (ooh)
You’re making me hot

Ooh, move your body, girl
Makes the fellas go
The way you ride it, girl
Makes the fellas go
Ooh, move your body, girl
Makes the fellas go
The way you ride it, girl
Makes the fellas go

Ooh, move your body, girl
Makes the fellas go
The way you ride it, girl
Makes the fellas go
Ooh, move your body, girl
Makes the fellas go
The way you ride it, girl
Makes the fellas go

Can you feel the beat?
Can you, can you feel the beat?
Can you feel the beat?
Can you, can you feel the beat?

Can you feel the beat within my heart?
Can’t you see my love shine through the dark?
Can you feel the beat?

Can you feel the beat within my heart?
Can’t you see my love shine through the dark?
Can’t you see that you must be a part
Of that beat in my heart?

Slow wine, slow wine, slow wine, slow wine
Fast wine, fast wine, fast wine, fat wine
Move your body, move your body
Move your body, move your body

Ooh, move your body, girl
Makes the fellas go
The way you ride it, girl
Makes the fellas go
Ooh, move your body, girl
Makes the fellas go
The way you ride it, girl
Makes the fellas go

Ooh, move your body, girl
Makes the fellas go
The way you ride it, girl
Makes the fellas go
Ooh, move your body, girl
Makes the fellas go
The way you ride it, girl
Makes the fellas goNina Sky – Move Ya Body – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

Tracklist Mais Tocadas - Giro Musical 2023

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