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Letra Música Final Song – MØ

Please, won’t you wait? Won’t you stay?
At least until the sun goes down
When you’re gone, I lose faith
I lose everything I have found
Heart strings, violins
That’s what I hear when you’re by my side
Yeah, that’s what I hear when you’re by my side

But when you’re gone the music goes
I lose my rhythm, lose my soul
So hear me out before you say the night is over
I want you to know that we gotta, gotta carry on
So don’t let this be our final song

So don’t let this be our final song
So hear me out before you say the night is over
I want you to know that we gotta, gotta carry on
So don’t let this be our final song

Baby when we were young
There was nothing to make believe
And the songs that we sang
They were written for you and me
Melodies on repeat
That’s what I hear when you’re by my side
Yeah, that’s what I hear when you’re by my side

But when you’re gone the music goes
I lose my rhythm, lose my soul
So hear me out before you say the night is over
I want you to know that we gotta, gotta carry on
So don’t let this be our final song

So don’t let this be our final song
So hear me out before you say the night is over
I want you to know that we gotta, gotta carry on
So don’t let this be our final song

Woo-oo, take us to a higher ground
Here and now, whatever you do, just don’t look down
Woo-oo, underneath the disco light, it’s alright
We could make the perfect sound
We could make the perfect sound

But when you’re gone the music goes
I lose my rhythm, lose my soul
So hear me out before you say the night is over
I want you to know that we gotta, gotta carry on
So don’t let this be our final song

So don’t let this be our final song
So hear me out before you say the night is over
I want you to know that we gotta, gotta carry on
So don’t let this be our final song

Woo-oo, take us to a higher ground
Here and now, whatever you do, just don’t look down
Woo-oo, underneath the disco light, it’s alright
We could make the perfect sound
Woo-oo. take us to a higher ground
Here and now, whatever you do, just don’t look down
Woo-oo, underneath the disco light, it’s alright
Don’t let this be our final songMØ – Final Song – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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