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Letra Música Dark Crow – Man With a Mission

めざし あるいた よぞら の むこう では
ただ いちわ の からす が
せかす よう に さけんだ
とおく むかし の きおく では ただ の
どくろ の かげ が わらった
かお みて そう わらった
よお おおお

So I just bleed and feel the blood I have inside me
Holding to the creed and blade to slay thee
Carry on the oath until my last scene
Higher than the sky and deeper than the sea

Keep your precious justice to yourself bud
Use it till they’re torn become a pile of mud
I don’t need their choice or voice to judge me
The one and only way I had and always seek

Anyone everyone I will crush ‘em all
Enemies let ‘em see now I see you fall
Kings and gods, change the odds
I’m the one who makes my final call

Kizu mo kako mo kodoku sae mo
Nigiritsubushi tada aragau
Keep your crown, I’ll take you down
I’m the one who makes my final call

Iki wo koroshi tadoritsuita no wa
Hate no nai naraku no rasen ka
Doko made tsuzuku no ka

So it goes on and on not knowing when it went wrong
Like the sand in hand you cannot hold long
Carry on the oath until your last scene
Standing on your own know your enemy

Keep your precious justice to yourself bud
Use it till they’re torn become a pile of mud
I don’t need their choice or voice to judge me
The one and only way I had and always seek

Anyone everyone I will crush ‘em all
Enemies let ‘em see now I see you fall
Kings and gods, change the odds
I’m the one who makes my final call

Kaze mo yuki mo sadame sae mo
Hineritsubushi tada aragau
Keep your crown, I’ll take you down
I’m the one who makes my final call

I don’t need it anymore
I don’t need it anymore
I don’t need it anymore
I don’t need it anymore

Boukyaku to tsuioku wo tada kurikaeshi
Oboroge ni omoidasun da
Ano hi no yume wo

Your eyes were always telling the answer
What I should be what tomorrow could be
And what it all means

Anyone everyone I will crush ‘em all
Enemies let ‘em see now I see you fall
Kings and gods, I’ll change the odds
I’m the one who makes my final call

Kizu mo kako mo kodoku sae mo
Nigiritsubushi tada aragau
Keep your crown, I’ll take you down
I’m the one who makes my final call

Anyone, everyone
Enemies, let them see
Kings and gods, I’ll change the odds
I’m the one who makes my final callMan With a Mission – Dark Crow – Ouvir Música

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