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Letra Música I’ll See You When I Get There – Lou Rawls

Pardon me, do you have change for a quarter?
I gotta make a phone call, thank you
Oh, I hope this woman don’t take me through no changes today
‘Cause I’ve had a hard day today, man, you know
Let me see what’s happenin’ at the address ‘fore I go home
How you doin’, I hope you’re fine
Did your day take you through changes and mess up your mind
I just called to say that I’m on my way
Whoa, and I’ll see you when I get there

I hope you’re in a good mood
You know a man’s home is his castle, and I’m comin’ home to groove
Whoa, and I’ll see you when I get there
I’ll see you when I get there

And you’ll be ready for good lovin’
You’ll be ready for good lovin’
‘Cause I’ve worked hard all day
Now I’m comin’ home to be with the one I love

Candlelight, cold wine, soft music on the radio
And you got everything you need from the store
‘Cause I’ll be in for the evening and I don’t wanna come out nomore
Whoa, and I’ll see you when I get there
I’ll see you when I get there

And you’ll be ready for good lovin’
You’ll be ready for good lovin’
‘Cause I’ve worked hard all day
Now I’m comin’ home to lay and relax my mind

Whoa, I’ll see you when I get there
I’ll see you when I, see you when I get there, baby
(I’ll see you when I get there) I’ll see you when I get there
(I’ll see you when I get there) I’ll see you when I get there, baby
(I’ll see you when I get there) See you when I get there
(I’ll see you when I get there) See you when I get there, baby

Whoa, I’ll see you when I get there
I’ll see you when I get there

And you’ll be ready for good lovin’
You’ll be ready for good lovin’
‘Cause I’ve worked hard all day
Now I’m comin’ home to lay and relax my mind

Whoa, I’ll see you when I get there
I said I’ll see you when I get there, baby
I said I’ll see you when I get there
I said I’ll see you when I get there, baby

I said I might have to run all the way
Because the bus might be slow today
I’ve been thinkin’ about you all day long
And I just can’t wait to get home

I’ll see you when I get there
I’ll see you when I get there, baby
(You’ll be ready) I’ve been workin’ hard all day, you’ve been onmy mind
(You’ll be ready) I can’t go on without you, darling, by myside
(I’ll see you when I get there) I’ll see you when I get there
(I’ll see you when I get there)
(I’ll see you when I get there) I’ll see you when I get there, babyLou Rawls – I’ll See You When I Get There – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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