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Letra Música All I Need – Lloyd

Oh shit, oh shit
It’s another hit, get up on it
I’m so horny and I want it
So get up on it, get up on the dick
I want you to know how deep my love goes
I ain’t gotta a lot of time
No speech, just follow
Some tricks in and up my sleeve
At the magic show

Got your body on top of me
All around, in and out you go
These stars come from within
Before I knew your name

I was curious that you know
That you feel the same
And to see a smile on your face
I’ll do almost anything
Serious, girl, I don’t play no games

I wanna take you out, freak you out
Bust my gun and take the charge
As long as you say my name
Every time I break you off, girl, I’ll

Give you what you want
‘Cause your love is all I need
I’ma turn you on with all the things I do

Girl, you’re made for me
‘Cause your love is all I need
And you gonna make that sound
From all the things you do

Take a break as we escape to my Decatur love
Girl, you’re wet as a dream
And I’m ready to break you off
I switched up my routine
Is something you never saw

I’ma make you scream all night long
When I look into your eyes, I know it’s real
Spend my whole life tryna find
A way to show you how I feel

You’re the only one on my mind
And you know the deal
Make you feel alright
Girl, you know I will

I wanna take you out, freak you out
Bust my gun and take the charge
As long as you say my name
Every time I break you off, girl, I’ll

Give you what you want
‘Cause your love is all I need
I’ma turn you on with all the things I do

Girl, you’re made for me
‘Cause your love is all I need
And you gonna make that sound
From all the things you do

Oh shit, oh shit
It’s another hit, get up on it
I’m so horny and I want it
So get up on it, get up on the dick

I wanna take you out, freak you out
Bust my gun and take the charge
As long as you say my name
Every time I break you off, girl I’llLloyd – All I Need – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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