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Letra Música Fulton Street – Leschea

He be rollin’ in his jeep
Cruisin’ down on Fulton Street
Sometimes he bring food to eat
For his homies living on the street
Just about the other week
I bumped into him on the street
And he didn’t even stop to speak
That’s what he did on Fulton Street
Oh I been creeping ‘round the way
Peepin’ your 4 x 4 everyday
Wishing that you would notice me
And never did I dream
Swing your fat jeep ‘round my way
Cell phone check me every day
And now I think of you and me
When I think of Fulton Street

You dropped the 40 out your hand
You said you wanna be my man
And we were swingin’ to a slow jam
Swingin’ to a slow jam
You dropped the 40 out your hand
You said you wanna be my man
And I’m the one you wanna be
Cruisin’ with on Fulton Street

Last night I went to Fulton Street
Where brothers big get up to me
And guys don’t don’t even step to me
Cuz they know how you live and be
And I been rolling here and there
The jeep is marked with fat-ass gear
Fantasy’s reality
Much respect to you baby

I used to creep around the way
Peepin’ your 4 x 4 every day
Wishing that you would notice me
And never did I dream
Swing your fat jeep ‘round my way
Cell phone check me everyday
And now I think of you and me
When I think of Fulton Street

You dropped the 40 out your hand
You said you wanna be my man
Swingin’ to a slow jam
Swingin’ to a slow jam
You dropped the 40 out your hand
You said you want to be my man
And I’m the one you wanna be
Cruisin’ with on Fulton Street

And I been rolling here and there
It seems I couldn’t find you anywhere
But there you are
So close but yet so far

And finally it’s you and me
And this is how it’s spose to be
Cruisin’ down on Fulton Street
Cruisin’ down on Fulton Street

I used to creep around the way
Peepin’ your 4 x 4 every day
Wishing that you would notice me
And never did I dream
You’d swing your fat jeep ‘round my way
Cell phone check me every day
And now I think of you and me
When I think of Fulton Street

When I think of Fulton Street
When I think of Fulton StreetLeschea – Fulton Street – Ouvir Música

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