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Letra Música People Talk – Joy Salinas

I don’t care ‘bout others say
I can’t let them lead my way
I won’t let them rule my world
I won’t let them change my life
People, people, people talk
People talking, talking, talking
People talking, talking, talking
People talking, talking, talking

People talking all the time!

C’mon! C’mon!

Bring it up now!

People talk, about this about that
But let’s talk about other people
And people say how much you’re liking this
Cause you chit chat chat chit
I know it’s a habit, but it send me into a mad fit
I’m on top with my own life
But you keep stabbin’, stabbin’ like an old knife
Turn around and walk, yeah
Is it true what I can say that people talk? A-ha

Keep you head high, walk your way – people talk
And don’t care about what they say – yeah, people talk
Keep you head high, walk your way
I want to live my life my own way

C’mon! C’mon!

So let’s talk about sex
I get the kisses on the lips and a feel-up on the chest
That make you feel real lively
But you went to tell my girl, that don’t surprise me
It’s like a merry-go-round
Goin’around, goin’around
I dont like when I hear no sound from your lips
So close them tight and start to walk
‘Cause people talk, yeah! A-ha

Keep you head high, walk your way – people talk
And don’t care about what they say – yeah, people talk
Keep you head high, walk your way
I want to live my life my own way

I don’t care ‘bout others say
I can’t let them lead my way
People, people, people talk
I won’t let them rule my world
I won’t let them change my life
I want to live my life my own way

I don’t care ‘bout others say
I can’t let them lead my way
People, people, people talk
I won’t let them rule my world
I won’t let them change my life
Don’t wanna be a slave, people talk

C’mon! C’mon!

Bring it up now!

I don’t care ‘bout others say
I can’t let them lead my way
I won’t let them rule my world
I won’t let them change my life
People, people, people talk

People talking, talking, talking
People talking, talking, talking
People talking, talking, talking

People talking all the time!
C’mon! C’mon!

Bring it up now!

What’d you say?

People talking all the time!

People talking, talking, talking
People talking, talking, talking
People talking, talking, talking

People talking all the time!

They talk about Max
They talk about Frank
They talk about you and me and everyone

They’re talking (let’s see), people talking
They’re talking, people talking

C’mon! C’mon!
Bring it up now!
People talk!Joy Salinas – People Talk – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

Tracklist Mais Tocadas - Giro Musical 2023

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