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Letra Música Water Slide – Janelle Monáe

All the girls dem, wine
All the girls dem, wine
If you have to wine
If you have to, all the girls dem
All of the—, all of the girls–
If I could fuck me right here right now I would do that
Lookin’ in the mirror at me, my god, like who that?
Feelin’ myself, wanna play in it
Splash, make a wave in it
I could spend the whole day in it
And I’ma do that

Surfin’ on that thang like it’s high tide
Lazy river runnin’ down the water slide

Baby, dive in
‘Cause the water feels fine
Feelin’ this high vibration
Slippin’ down the water slide
Now it’s time for me to

Surfin’ on that thang like it’s high tide
Lazy river runnin’ down the water slide

I’m holdin’ my breath with my eyes closed
I can swim solo
Feelin’ all around for the right spot
Playin’ Marco Polo
All the girls wanna play in it
Boys wanna lay in it
But I’ma spend the day in it
And take a real cute photo

Baby, dive in
‘Cause the water feels fine
Feelin’ this high vibration
Slippin’ down the water slide
Now it’s time for me to

Surfin’ on that thang like it’s high tide
Lazy river runnin’ down the water slide
Surfin’ on that thang like it’s high tide
Lazy river runnin’ down the water slide

Baby, dive in
The water feels fine
I’m feelin’ this high vibration
Slippin’ down the waterslide

Stroke, stroke
Stroke, stroke
Stroke, stroke, stroke, strokeJanelle Monáe – Water Slide – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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