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Letra Música Piece Of My Heart – Intermission

Take this piece of my heart
And you’ll find my love
Take this piece of my heart
And you know that you have me
Take this piece of my heart
But be careful with what you’ve got
Take this piece of my heart
And I’ll love you endlessly
Ice cold is how you came
I was straight up weak when you called my name
Slowly I can feel the pain
Oh yeah, I think I’m goin’ insane
Deep, deep down, hard I fall
Hit me at every side of the wall
Teardrops are in my eye
You laugh and I start to cry

Tryin’ to hold me, lies you told me
Usin’, confusin’, now you stall me
Stop and slow it down, girl
Or I won’t be around
Let’s just keep these things together
Hopin’ it lasts forever and ever
Take it here right from the start
Yo, take this piece of my heart

Take this piece of my heart
And you’ll find my love
Take this piece of my heart
And you know that you have me
Take this piece of my heart
But be careful with what you’ve got
Take this piece of my heart
And I’ll love you endlessly

Take this piece of my heart
Take this piece of my heart
Take this piece of my heart
Take this piece of my heart

Take a little piece of my heart
Destroy and kill and tear it apart
Love is all I got to give
Fear’s the kind of life I live
Thinkin’ about you, cryin’ about you
Girl, you got me thinkin’ about you
Memories right here in my brain
And I can never forget the pain

That I had, feelin’ bad
Losin’ the girl of my life, sad
Oh, no, that’s not the way
G.E.M. Alley Cat don’t play
I’m keepin’ you and not mistreatin’ you
But teachin’ you the things to do
And, if ever we should fall apart,
Yo, take this piece of my heart

Take this piece of my heart
And you’ll find my love
Take this piece of my heart
And you know that you have me
Take this piece of my heart
But be careful with what you’ve got
Take this piece of my heart
And I’ll love you endlessly

Take this piece of my heart
And you’ll find my love
Take this piece of my heart
And you know that you have me
Take this piece of my heart
But be careful with what you’ve got
Take this piece of my heart
And I’ll love you endlesslyIntermission – Piece Of My Heart – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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