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Letra Música My Heart Belongs To You – Hayley Westenra

Through the window of my soul
All the secrets that I hold
Will be yours to share for always, always
Like a whisper in the wind
The gentle breeze touches my skin
And I know you’re with me always, always

I can feel it in the air
The fire that we share
Can only come from deep within

It’s a light that burns so bright
It guides you through the night
And leads you to me
So find your way back

And hold me, touch me
Let the love come rushing through me
I’m yours with every breath I take
forever and ever

hold on, to love
cause deep down
That’s what we’re made of
Never let go for my heart’s sake
cause my heart belongs to you

I lie awake to hear you breathe
Only you can feel the need
That builds and burns so deep inside me, inside me

As the moon lights up the sky
There’s a thousand reasons why
My heart will only beat for you

You’re the reason that I live
So now all I’ve got to give
I give it to you
Just don’t fight the feeling

Hold me, touch me
Let the love come rushing through me
I’m yours with every breath I take
Forever and ever

Hold on, to love
cause deep down
That’s what we’re made of
Never let go for my heart’s sake
cause my heart belongs to you

(Don’t give up, but just give in) ah (I will always be here waiting for you) waiting for you
Love will see us through…

Hold me, touch me
Let the love come rushing through me
I’m yours with every breath I take
Forever and ever

Hold on, to love
Cause deep down
That’s what we’re made of
Never let go for my heart’s sake
Cause my heart belongs to you

MY heart belongs to you….(4times)Hayley Westenra – My Heart Belongs To You – Ouvir Música

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