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Letra Música Drunken Lullabies – Flogging Molly

Must it take a life for hateful eyes
To glisten once again
Five hundred years like gelignite
Have blown us all to hell
What savior rests while on his cross we die
Forgotten freedom burns
Has the shepard led his lambs astray
To the bigot and the gun
Must it take a life for hateful eyes
To glisten once again
‘Cause we find ourselves in the same old mess
Singin’ drunken lullabies

I watch and stare as Rosin’s eyes
Turn a darker shade of red
And the bullet with this sniper lie
In their bloody gutless cell
Must we starve on crumbs from long ago
Through these bars of men made steel
Is it a great or little thing we fought
Knelt the conscience blessed to kill

Must it take a life for hateful eyes
To glisten once again
‘Cause we find ourselves in the same old mess
Singin’ drunken lullabies

Ah, but maybe it’s the way you were taught
Or maybe it’s the way we fought
But a smile never grins without tears to begin
For each kiss is a cry we all lost
Though nothing is left to gain
But for the banshee that stole the grave
Cause we find ourselves in the same old mess
Singin’ drunken lullabies

I sit in and dwell on faces past
Like memories seem to fade
No colour left but black and white
And soon will all turn grey
But may these shadows rise to walk again
With lessons truly learnt
When the blossom flowers in each our hearts
Shall beat a new found flame

Must it take a life for hateful eyes
To glisten once again
‘Cause we find ourselves in the same old mess
Singin’ drunken lullabiesFlogging Molly – Drunken Lullabies – Ouvir Música

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