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Letra Música In My Mind (feat. Gigi D’agostino) – Dynoro

In my mind, in my head
This is where we all came from
The dreams we have, the love we share
This is what we’re waiting for
In my mind, in my head
This is where we all came from
The dreams we have, the love we share
This is what we’re waiting for

In my mind, in my head
This is where we all came from
In my mind, in my head
This is what we’re waiting for

In my mind, in my head
This is where we all came from
The dreams we have, the love we share
This is what we’re waiting for

In my mind, in my head
That is where
We are from
In my mind, in my head
That is where
We are from

And in my mind, in my head
This is where we all came from
The dreams we have, the love we share
This is what we’re waiting for

And in my mind, in my head
This is where we all came from
The dreams we have, the love we share
This is what we’re waiting for

In my mind, in my head
That is where
We are from
In my mind, in my head
That is where
We are from

In my mind, in my head
This is what we’re waiting for
The dreams we have, the love we share
This is what we’re waiting for

In my mind, in my head
That is where
We are from
In my mind, in my head
That is where
We are from

In my mind, in my head
That is where
We are from
In my mind, in my head
That is where
We are fromDynoro – In My Mind (feat. Gigi D’agostino) – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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