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Letra Música Born With The Blues – Brownie McGhee

From my childhood, to where I’am now
I ain’t going to worry, I’ll get by somehow
My momma had’em, lord my daddy had’em too
I, I was born with the blues
I’ll tell you something people, you know that ain’t no joke
I wouldn’t take my pass life, from my weight in gold
My momma had’em, my dear old daddy had’em too
I, I was born with the blues

I used my guitar for my pillow, hollow logs they once was my bed
Blues my only companion, I have to sing the blues for my meat and bread
I want you to know why Brownie McGhee begin to roam
Poor old me, I come from a broken home
My momma had’em, my daddy had’em too
People I, I was born with the blues

You ever been down? You should know how I feel
I feel like an engine, ain’t got no driving wheel
But I’am not ashame, ain’t that news?!
I been living with the blues

You don’t believe I’am sinking?
People look what a hole am in
If you don’t believe I love you
Look what a fool I’ve been
But I’am not ashame, ain’t that news?!
I been living with the blues

Rocks was mother and father pillow
Cold brown had to be their beds
Blue skys, blue skys was their blanket
They use the moonlight for they spread
You think I’am happy, but you really don’t know my mind
You see a smile on my face, but my heart is bleeding all the time
But I’am not ashame, ain’t that news?!
I been living with the blues

I said rocks have been my pillow
Cold brown has been my bed
Blue sky have been my blanket
I used the moonlight for my spread
I’ve work all summer, I’ve slave all the fo???
I had to take my Christmas, in my over arm
But I’am not ashame, ain’t that news?!
I been living with the blues
My momma had’em, my daddy had’em too
People I, I was born with the bluesBrownie McGhee – Born With The Blues – Ouvir Música

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