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Letra Música Let Me Hold You (feat. Omarion) – Bow Wow

JD talk
Bow wow
This what you need to do girl
Let me hold you

I been watching you for a minute
Come through here so sweet scented
In life girl you need me in it
I’m determined to win it
I know what you need
I know what’s wrong
I know how to make it tight
Everything will be all right
If ya
Let me hold you
And introduce you to my world
And introduce you to the better side of life that you ain’t been seeing girl
I’ma show you where its at
And I’ma show you how to get it
All you got do is be with it and
Let me hold you
Down like a real mans supposed to
I never would have approached you
If I ain’t have intentions on doing good
See dude you wit is so fooled
To me girl your so cool
And all I’m asking you to do is
Let me hold you
Down like a best friend, two homies in the game
When you cry I wanna feel your pain
No secrets, no games
All excitement, nothing plain
Keep you happy
That’s my aim
And all you gotta do girl is
Let me hold you

In my arms in my mind all the time I wanna keep you right by my side till I die I’m gonna hold you down and make sure everything is right with you
You can never go wrong if you
Let me hold you
Down like a real friends supposed to I’m trying to show you the life of somebody like you should be living
Oh, baby, baby
You could never go wrong if you let me hold you

I’ma keep you up on what’s popping and shake you fresh to death
When we hit the mall we can ball till there’s no more left
I know you ain’t used to it but you gon’ get used to it
‘Cause that’s the only way I’m a do you and just
Let me hold you
All my hommies think I’m tripping ‘cause I got you a pad
See they just mad’ cause they ain’t get you
They ain’t get you
Scorpio is your sign and girl you’re so fine
And I would do whatever in no time
Let me hold you
No shine
It’s what you’re coming with but I’ma change all that
Rearrange that
Put you in the range all black
With the rims to match
Phone attached
TVs in the back
How you gon’ say no to that? Huh
Let me hold you
Niggas look at me like now here you go
Really bout to blow some doe
But ain’t nobody did it before so why is you so go hold it
‘Cause I believe this was meant to be
I just gotta work at it
Like a crack addict up in rehab

In my arms in my mind all the time I wanna keep you right by my side till I die I’m gonna hold you down and make sure everything is right with you
You can never go wrong if you
Let me hold you
Down like a real friends supposed to I’m trying to show you the life of somebody like you should be living
Oh, baby, baby
You could never go wrong if you let me hold you

Down, down around
Fah found
And everybody know now what I’m tryna do
I say
Down down around
Fah found
I’m just tryna get you to
Let me hold you

Down down around
Fah found
And everybody know now what I’m tryna do
I say
Down down around
Fah found
I’m just tryna get you to
Let me hold you

In my arms
In my mind
All the time I wanna
Keep you right by my side till I die I’m gonna
Hold you down and make sure everything is right with you
You can never go wrong if you
Let me hold you
Down like a real friends supposed to I’m trying to show you the life of somebody like you should be living
Oh, baby, baby
You could never go wrong if you let me hold youBow Wow – Let Me Hold You (feat. Omarion) – Ouvir Música

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