Letra Música Melody – Black Rose

Can’t you free my melody?
Please don’t leave me on my own
Can the melody?
Can’t you free my melody?
Can’t you see it? It makes me free
Can the melody?
Another game and so emotional
I can’t free it deep inside
I love your song on my melody
Yes, I know it’s gonna be alright

And my body is spinning with you, now I’m sure
And together we can take it, now I know
Can you feel it? The sound makes me free
Oh, my baby, please don’t leave me on my own

Can’t you free my melody?
Please don’t leave me on my own
Can the melody?
Can’t you free my melody?
Can’t you see it? It makes me free
Can the melody?

Melody is the right, right thing
Move your body, feel free
Move to the left and move to the right
It’s gonna be a long, long night
Shake your body, don’t be lazy
Cause you know I’ll drive you crazy
Check this out, this is the song
We’ve got to party all night long
Don’t you know this party is right?
You gonna dance all through the night
This is the sound to make you move
You gotta get into the groove
Everybody get up and dance
The time is right if you take a chance
This is the sound to make you move

Can’t you free my melody?
Please don’t leave me on my own
Can the melody?
Can’t you free my melody?
Can’t you see it? It makes me free
Can the melody?
Can’t you free my melody?
Please don’t leave me on my own
Can the melody?
Can’t you free my melody?
Can’t you see it? It makes me free
Can the melody?

And you got me near the rhythm more and more
And together we can make it now alone
Can you feel it? The sound makes me free
Oh, my baby, please don’t leave me all aloneBlack Rose – Melody – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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?*Reprodução de matéria publicada no portal Aqui Acontece