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Letra Música Up In Flames (feat. B3N) – Bella Thorne

This is it
The grand finale where the iceberg hits
The final resting place of our sinking ship
One day they might just make a monument
Of us
So one last time
Light me up like I’m your lucky strike
Don’t put me out, I wanna do this right
I wanna see you in a better light

Let’s go up in flames
Let the ashes fall like rain
Hold me like it’s all okay
If we’re going down, if we’re going down

Then, darling, let’s go up in flames
Dance inside the mess we’ve made
Make it worth remembering
If we’re going down, if we’re going down

Here we go
Off the edge, into the great unknown
I’ll watch a memory become a ghost
But while you’re here, let’s try to make the most
Of us

Happily, happily, happily never be after
How could we, how could we, how could we ever have known
This would be, this would be, this would be our final chapter?
If we’re going down

Let’s go up in flames
Let the ashes fall like rain
Hold me like it’s all okay
If we’re going down, if we’re going down

Then, darling, let’s go up in flames
Dance inside the mess we’ve made
Make it worth remembering
If we’re going down, if we’re going down

Let’s go down in history
As the ones who loved and lost everything
‘Cause we had it all, but we crashed and burned too bright
So tonight

Let’s go up in flames
Let the ashes fall like rain
Hold me like it’s all okay
If we’re going down, if we’re going down

Then, darling, let’s go up in flames
Let the ashes fall like rain
Hold me like it’s all okay
If we’re going down, if we’re going down

Then, darling, let’s go up in flames
Dance inside the mess we’ve made
Make it worth remembering
If we’re going down, if we’re going downBella Thorne – Up In Flames (feat. B3N) – Ouvir Música

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