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Letra Música The Letter That Johnny Walker Read – Asleep At The Wheel

Johnny Walker sat
At a table in a bar
Minding his own affairs
Drinking his namesake
Over the rocks
He was drunk
Too drunk to care

When a girl in the bar
Walked up beside him
And this is what she said

She said, a woman came by
With a letter for you
And this is what the letter said

Dear, John, please, Johnny
Please come home
I need your love and
The kids, they gotta be fed
And John, if you don’t
Hurry back, I’ll be gone
Yes, that’s what the letter said
The letter that Johnny Walker read

Then John
He got up from the table
Slowly, he walked outside

He was thinking of his wife
And little children at home
And how his drinking
Had ruined their lives

Then John, he stared off
Into that street light
And a vision filled his
Poor, poor heart with dread

For it was him lying drunk
There in that gutter
Clutching in his hand
The letter that Johnny Walker read
And this is what it said

Dear, John, please, Johnny
Please come home
I need your love and
The kids, they gotta be fed
And John, if you don’t
Hurry back, I’ll be gone
Yes, that’s what the letter said
The letter that Johnny Walker read

Dear, John, please, Johnny
Please come home
I need your love and
The kids, they gotta be fed
And John, if you don’t
Hurry back, I’ll be gone
Yes, that’s what the letter said
The letter that Johnny Walker readAsleep At The Wheel – The Letter That Johnny Walker Read – Ouvir Música

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