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Letra Música Angels in Tibet – Amaarae

Fountain baby, wash her make it wet
Diamonds hit the sweat
Tattoo on her chest, yeah, yeah, yeah
I like when my remedies connect
That pussy and a bed
Like angels in tibet, yeah, yeah, yeah
Louvre and Armani, I like how you say it
Feeding me body I like how you cater
I took a trip to the stylist today
I spend the bitch like I’m spending the paper
Okay, keep going
I’ll Lindsay a Lohan
I’ll play with my favorite
But y’all bitches boring
Now I need the foreign
Now I need
Dior (In the club)
Take it off (In the club)
Pay homagе (In the club)
To the God (In the club)
Play your part (In thе club)
Say no more (In the club)
Love and war (In the club)
Je t’adore (In the club)

I want to fuck a puddle
Give that kitty cuddle
Kilo Halo’d Angel
Fuck me slow and subtle
Don’t you wanna taste it?
Just to get it started
Virtuistic patience
Take it ’cause you earned it

Bling, bling, bling, bling, bling
I like chains on chains
Blood stain stained my ring
Just a little bump
Touch me where you need to
I can give you more
Bodies on the floor
Just breathe, breathe

That Dior (In the club)
Take it off (In the club)
Pay homage (In the club)
To the God (In the club)
Play your part (In the club)
Say no more (In the club)
Love and war (In the club)
Je t’adore (In the club)

Tell me who you are
Is this what you wanted?
Step into your power
Come on home to God

That Dior (In the club)
Take it off (In the club)
Pay homage (In the club)
To the God (In the club)
Play your part (In the club)
Say no more (In the club)
Love and war (In the club)
Je t’adore (In the club)Amaarae – Angels in Tibet – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

Tracklist Mais Tocadas - Giro Musical 2023

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