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Letra Música Classic – Adrian Gurvitz

Got to write a classic
Got to write it in an attic
Baby, I’m an addict now
An addict for your love
I was a stray boy
And you was my best toy
Found it easy to annoy you
But you were different from the rest

And I loved you all the wrong ways
Now listen to my say
If it changed to another way
Would the difference make it?
Would it be a classic?
I gotta send it right away

Expressing my words
One bridge at a time
Then tearing them up
‘Cause they never rhyme
Alone in my room
So far from your love
Whatever I write
That’s not good enough
And it’s not what I mean
I mean it’s not what it seems
I just keep living for dreams

Got to write a classic
(So down and I’m outta control without your love)
Got to write it in an attic
(My blood can’t flow, there’s no living without you)
Baby, I’m an addict now
(Deep down I know, you’re not hearing a word I say)
I’m an addict for your love

(Gotta write it down and send it right away)

Got to write a classic
(So down and I’m outta control without your love)
Got to write it in an attic
(My blood can’t flow, there’s no living without you)
Babe, I’m an addict now
(Deep down I know, you’re not hearing a word I say)
I’m an addict for your love

Now I’m living my life
One day at a time
Since losing your love
I’ve been losing my mind
No more can I see
The future so clear
And it’s not what I mean
I mean it’s not what it seems
I just keep living for dreams

And it’s not what I mean
I mean it’s not what it seems
I just keep living for dreams

Got to write a classic
(So down and I’m outta control without your love)
Got to write it in an attic
(My blood can’t flow, there’s no living without you)
Babe, I’m an addict now
(Deep down I know, you’re not hearing a word I say)
I’m an addict for your love
(Gotta write it down and send it right away)

Got to write a classic
(So down and I’m outta control without your love)
Got to write it in an attict
(My blood can’t flow, there’s no living without you)
Babe, I’m an addict now
(Deep down I know, you’re not hearing a word I say)
I’m an addict for your love
(Gotta write it down and send it right away)

(So down and I’m outta control without your love)
(My blood can’t flow, there’s no living without you)
(Deep down I know, you’re not hearing a word I say)

Gotta write it down and send it right away

(So down and I’m outta control without your love)
(My blood can’t flow, there’s no living without you)
(Deep down I know, you’re not hearing a word I say)

I gotta write it down and send it right awayAdrian Gurvitz – Classic – Ouvir Música

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