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Letra Música Are You That Somebody – Aaliyah

Dirty South, can y’all really feel me?
East coast feel me?
West Coast feel me?
Boy, I’ve been watchin you
Like a hawk in the sky at night
‘Cause you are my prey (my prey)
Boy, I promise you if we keep bumpin heads
I know that one of these days (days)
We gon hook it up while we talk on the phone
But see, I don’t know if that’s good
I been holdin back this secret from you
I probably shouldn’t tell it but

If I, If I let you know you can’t tell nobody
I’m talkin bout nobody
Are you responsible
Boy I gotta watch my body
‘Cause I’m not just anybody
Is it my go, is it your go
Sometimes I’m goody-goody
Right now I’m naughty-naughty
Say yes or say no
‘Cause I really need somebody
Tell me your that somebody

Boy, won’t you pick me up at the park right now
Up the block while everyone sleeps (sleeps sleeps)
I’ll be waitin there with my dukes, my locs, my hat
Just so I’m low key
If you tell the world
(Don’t sleep, you know that we’ll be weak)
Oh boy, see I’m trusting you with my heart
My soul I probably shouldn’t let ya but

If I If I let this go
You can’t tell nobody
I’m talkin bout nobody
I hope your responsible
Boy gotta watch my body
‘Cause I’m not just anybody
Is it my go, is it your go
Sometimes I’m goody-goody
Right now I’m naughty-naughty
Say yes or say no
‘Cause I really need somebody
Tell me your that somebody

Baby girl
I’m the man from the big VA
Won’t you come play round my way
And listen to what I gotta say
Timbaland don’t you know I’m the man
Rock shows here to Japan
Have people shaking-shaking my hand

Baby girl, better known as Aaliyah
Give me hives, corns, and high fevers
Make the playa haters believe
Don’t cha know gotta tell somebody cause

‘Cause I really need somebody
Tell me your that somebody

If I let this go
You can’t tell nobody
I’m talking about nobody
Are you responsible
Boy I gotta watch my body
‘Cause I’m not just anybody
Is it my go is it your go
Sometimes I’m goody-goody
Right now I’m naughty-naughty
Say yes or say no
‘Cause I really need somebody
Tell me your that somebody

You can’t tell nobody
I’m talking about nobody
I hope your responsible
Boy I gotta watch my body

‘Cause I’m not just anybody
Is it my go is it your go
Sometimes I’m goody-goody
Right now I’m naughty-naughty
Say yes or say no
‘Cause I really need somebody
Tell me your that somebody

Is it my go is it your go
Sometimes I’m goody-goody
Right now I’m naughty-naughty
‘Cause I really need somebody
Tell me your that somebody
You can’t tell nobody
I’m talking about nobodyAaliyah – Are You That Somebody – Ouvir Música

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