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Letra Música What I Got – Sublime

Early in the mornin’, risin’ to the street
Light me up that cigarette and I strap shoes on my feet
Got to find a reason, a reason things went wrong
Got to find a reason why my money’s all gone
I got a dalmatian and I can still get high
I can play the guitar like a motherfuckin’ riot
Well, life is too short, so love the one you got
‘Cause you might get run over or you might get shot
Never start no static, I just get it off my chest
Never had to battle with no bulletproof vest
Take a small example, take a tip from me
Take all of your money, give it all to charity
Love is what I got, it’s within my reach

And the Sublime style’s still straight from Long Beach
It all comes back to you, you’re bound to get what you deserve
Try and test that, you’re bound to get served
Love’s what I got, don’t start a riot
You’ll feel it when the dance gets hot

Lovin’ is what I got, I said, remember that
Lovin’ is what I got, now remember that
Lovin’ is what I got, I said, remember that
Lovin’ is what I got, I got, I got, I got

Why I don’t cry when my dog runs away
I don’t get angry at the bills I have to pay
I don’t get angry when my mom smokes pot
Hits the bottle and goes right to the rock
Fuckin’ and fightin’, it’s all the same
Living with Louie Dog’s the only way to stay sane
Let the lovin’, let the lovin’ come back to me

Lovin’ is what I got, I said, remember that
Lovin’ is what I got, and remember that
Lovin’ is what I got, I said, remember that
Lovin’ is what I got, I got, I got I gotSublime – What I Got – Ouvir Música

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