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Letra Música Kiss The Breeze – Sticky Fingers

I hit the pavement, running amok and I don’t stop
I’ve been living the same day for the past six months
In a daze, because I’m doing what I love
And I won’t leave the stage until you motherfuckers jump
I leave my pride inside oblivion, don’t take yourself so serious
Life is just a game, so you can share all your fears with us
There’s peace within this harmony that flows within the core of me
Grows up in my mind, apples out of another’s apple tree
So have a laugh
Or get blasted out to space

I kiss the breeze and let your rhythm flow out
I kiss the breeze and let your rhythm flow out
I kiss the breeze and let your rhythm flow out
I kiss the breeze and let your rhythm flow out

Oh, mind-altering you steer, we’re in the clear, activate yourself
The sounds slip through your fingers where it lingers up above the clouds
In a maze, you lose control, relaxation
Our rotation’s spinning up ‘round your brain
We’re all the same on the level, ride the wave within its carve
Within its quake, within the breeze lies your fate

So share a glass
And get plastered off your face

I kiss the breeze and let your rhythm flow out
I kiss the breeze and let your rhythm flow out
I kiss the breeze and let your rhythm flow out
I kiss the breeze and let your rhythm flow out

Oh, grinded by the sun, yeah, he burns me to the floor
I’m burning cold and getting old, I’ve seen this place before
And still we return to face the verge of breaking laws
And turning faces, chasing dreams, our shadow’s races
The world is in your hands and I cheers to your success
Follow salute, get in the back, we’re off to heaven’s gates
I put you on the door, so don’t worry about your fate
We’ll trek around time and space, we’ll drink champagne to celebrate
The world is in your hands and I cheers to your success
Follow salute, get in the back, we’re off to heaven’s gates
I leave you wanting more and I’m sorry if we’re late
Forget yourself, unwind this day, ‘cause there’s plenty liver out to waste

Just kiss the breeze and let your rhythm flow out
Just kiss the breeze and let your rhythm flow outSticky Fingers – Kiss The Breeze – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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