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Letra Música Cool & Calm – Sticky Fingers

Oh when these feelings run high
I’m going to feel alive
Like the rebirth that comes from with inside
I’ve got insight, fuck pride
Imma live this life, with no fears
Swagger in my stride, this is who I am
See sometimes it might seem hard
But you gotta push on to the next frame of mind
Love life, livin’ in the sunshine
Love life, livin’ in the sunshine

Stay with me
We can let this go, you see
I’m up in arms
Can’t you see what’s really going on
Can’t you see that I am cool and calm

A forest in my mind no velvet echoes
Freely swimming in this ocean breeze
Cause no one gets out of here alive
Oh, my friend, you’re like a stone
Elected once and you’re all on your own yeah

Let’s bring back the sunshine
Let’s bring back the sunshine

Back when it was darkness
Full of self-destructiveness
Brinking a muck over no-where
We were thinking fuck this
Gotta push through this, the cuts and the bruises
Self manifestation and crudeness
We need to use this, follow positivity
Cause I’m sick of kicking
‘Round all these dead beats, dead sheep
We used to live a life of luxury, so let’s get back to that

Stay with me
We can let this go, you see
I’m up in arms
Can’t you see what’s really going on

Can’t you see that I am cool and calm
That I am cool and calm
Can’t you see that I am cool and calm

A forest in my mind no velvet echoes
Cause no one gets out of here aliveSticky Fingers – Cool & Calm – Ouvir Música

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