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Letra Música Australia Street – Sticky Fingers

It was a real sunny day we were chillin’ in the land
Of the Camperdown Park nobody had a frown
Reminiscing on the days when we used to have a blaze
Everybody came around and we laxed out on the laze
And I remember when we’d drink
And we’d smoke and we’d spar and we’d laugh
And the night would just go on and on
For the rest of my life that memory will stay
Man, fuck that was a good time
I don’t feel afraid from you
I don’t feel afraid from you
I don’t feel afraid from you
I don’t feel afraid from you

‘Cause I’m high
Chewing on your taste
Forever feels like such a waste
So many good places to be, people to meet, in tropical heat

Well, see, now this was the time when everything was perfect
We can jump around to the sound of the music
When you feel it, the bass coming through the tremolo
Passages just seem to go real real slow
And this is what I want, and this is what you get
Come and share a toast for all our times we recollect
From the start into these bends, we unwind our weary heads
Being clever never sweats ya when forever has no end

‘Cause I’m high
Chewing on your taste
Forever feels like such a waste
So many good places to be, people to meet, in tropical heat
I don’t feel afraid from you

I don’t feel afraid from you
I don’t feel afraid from you
I don’t feel afraid from you
I don’t feel afraid from you

You can not contemplate on all of what we’ve mastered
Compelled by different women as a strong current passes
All the little organisms swirling through the white
All my rested hollow bones ready to pick a fight
All my pity gets witty and driven through the sky
All of the faces that change the same smile far and wide
I was coming down the other day next thing I was years away
I only wish that we could stay, my brotherSticky Fingers – Australia Street – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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