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Letra Música True Love – SOJA

Just like the land that bear the name Africa
Love is on my mind
It’s for everyone no matter where they’re from
Love, it cross all lines
Like the feeling of all the seasons changing
Love is a memory
In these last days, when iniquity’s blazing
Truth love speaks

I need true love
Do you know what you mean to me?
(True love)
Does it show as I live and I breath?
(True love)
In the valley of the shadow, I know that you’ll be
(True love)
I defense, I conquer death
And I conquer the envy

What is love really if it only affects one aspect of life?
That’s like a musician who only accepts his own musical type
That’s like a preacher who only respects Sunday morning, and not Saturday night
That’s how this soldier can come to reflect that love is more than a man and a wife

(I mean)
I need true love
Do you know what you do it to me?
(True love)
Does it show as I live and I breath?
(True love)
In the valley of the shadow, I know you’ll be
(True love)
I defense, I conquer death
And I conquer the envy

In a time of plenty, Jah gonna keep I strong
Things get how and I keep cool, yeah, Jah gonna keep me strong
When I n’ I cup is empty, Jah gonna keep I strong
When I n’ I cup is full, yeah, Jah keep I from their temptation

I need true love
Do you know what you do it to me?
(True love)
Does it show as I live and I breath?
(True love)
In the valley of the shadow, I know you’ll be
(True love)
I defense, I conquer death
And I conquer the enemySOJA – True Love – Ouvir Música

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