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Letra Música Summer Breeze – SOJA

It’s a real strange world
Sometimes it feels like it’s not my world
But it’s the only world I got.
Or maybe, maybe it’s different now then?
Different now then, than it used to be
I don’t know, I can’t remember
Hold on, wait a minute
Cuz you can feel it in the summer breeze
There’s something in the trees
Some kind of long lost feeling
It kinda feels like there’s something wrong
Something that we’re doing
Or not doing, it’s far gone
Another way that maybe we forgot
But maybe we still need
What am I not remembering
Cuz I can feel it in the summer breeze
And it keeps calling me…
And it keeps calling me…

So I’m singing out so birds start singing again
And I’m playing just so bells start ringing again
And I’m yelling, hoping I’ll start thinking again
And chasing after our in born concept
I catch a flicker in the mirror cuz I’m looking for you
But all I see is me but I know that’s hardly true
The TV lies to me, red, green and blue
Turn it to black and stare and I can still see you

Cuz you can feel it in the summer breeze
There’s something in the trees
Some kind of long lost feeling
It kinda feels like there’s something wrong
Something that we’re doing
Or not doing, it’s far gone
Another way that maybe we forgot
But maybe we still need
What am I not remembering
Cuz I can feel it in the summer breeze
And it keeps calling me…
And it keeps calling me…

I try to search indside myself to find the right and the wrong
But it’s so complicated knowing what to keep anymore
It’s even harder to put into words or write in a song
But for some reason I can’t move along
Cuz karma happens, doesn’t matter bout which buble I got
And I can feel it in the air whether I read it or not
So I’m continuing to search and watch this road that I walk
It’s on the tip of my tongue so i talk

Cuz you can feel it in the summer breeze
There’s something in the trees
Some kind of long lost feeling
It kinda feels like there’s something wrong
Something that we’re doing
Or not doing, it’s far gone
Another way that maybe we forgot
But maybe we still need
What am I not remembering
Cuz I can feel it in the summer breeze
And it keeps calling me…
And it keeps calling me…

I can remember in my mind
Way back before my time a memory lived through my DNA line and…
I can see it in Jah signs
That we could be just fine let history reveal the truth we need to find but…
The memory’s are long gone
Forgotten truths hid from the youths through many years by babylon so…
So we sing it in this song
With hopes to reserect consciousness back through our daughters and our sons, yeah

Cuz you can feel it in the summer breeze
There’s something in the trees
Some kind of long lost feeling
It kinda feels like there’s something wrong
Something that we’re doing
Or not doing, it’s far gone
Another way that maybe we forgot
But maybe we still need
What am I not remembering
Cuz I can feel it in the summer breeze
And it keeps calling me…
And it keeps calling me…

Cuz I can feel it in the summer breeze
It kinda feels like there’s something wrong
Another way that maybe we forgot
Cuz I can feel it in the summer breeze
Calling me…

I got this feelin that I’ve had in me before I could speak
And when I could, I couldn’t tell people how it felt to me
It’s like there’s something in my heart that lets me know that I’m free
But i don’t ever know when that will be
That’s if I name it also, if it even happens at all
Cuz I’m related to a place I’ve never been to or saw
Until that day I’m watching, waiting on this road that I walk
It’s in the back of my mind all day longSOJA – Summer Breeze – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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