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Letra Música I Don’t Wanna Wait – SOJA

I don’t wanna wait
I don’t wanna wait (wait)
I don’t wanna wait
I don’t wanna wait
They say: way back – when knew how
But there’s nothing telling you now
Just to do your right and not your wrong
When wrong is easy, and right is hard
And we’ve all got our weaknesses
And only you know what yours is
But your tomorrows all that seems to escape from your lips

But I don’t wanna wait, today
For something that might never ever show its face
A promise that I’ve heard too much already
To me, it seems ridiculous to trust in all of your games, you play
It’s one life, one world, one chance

And I don’t wanna wait (wait)
I don’t wanna wait (wait)
I don’t wanna wait
I don’t wanna wait (yeah)

Moving forward to right now
A government that let you down
A racist leader no one trusted
An army that’s bigger than us
And a poverty on a global scale
A fragile world with fragile air and
Fragile water, I’m sure they’ll put off till tomorrow

But I don’t wanna wait, today
For something that might never ever show its face
A promise that I’ve heard too much already
To me, it seems ridiculous to trust in all of your games, you play
It’s one life, one world, one chance

And I don’t wanna wait
I don’t wanna wait
I don’t wanna wait for you and your games now (no, I don’t no, oh, no)
I just can’t wait… Wait… I just can’t

I’m skipping forward to the ending
To that point or to impeding to that moment
That all that stops that one day when that bottom drops
And we remember our voices, we had a chance
Yeah, we had our choice, but time is a luxury
We, as a people we, might not no longer afford

So I don’t wanna wait, today
For something that might never ever show its face
A promise that I’ve heard too much already
To me, it seems ridiculous to trust in all of your games, you play
It’s one life, one world, one chance

And I don’t wanna wait… I don’t wanna wait
There’s not enough of time, so I don’t wanna wait
You know I’ve got a lot on my mind, so I just can’t wait, wait
Have to reach the end of the line, so I don’t wanna wait, wait
No, I’m not fine… Don’t wanna wait, don’t wanna wait, don’t wanna… It’s not for me now

And I don’t wanna waitSOJA – I Don’t Wanna Wait – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

Tracklist Mais Tocadas - Giro Musical 2023

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