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Letra Música Shake Shake Shake – Shaggy

Mr. Lover, Mr. Lover, Mr. Lover
Uh, uh, well
Here’s another one
And another day

Move to this, let me see you jump and twist
Pump your fist ‘cause you know it’s hard to resist
As long you know you’re rollin’ with the love
Feel the pow, let me put the groove in your hips
The night is young, so let’s go roll with the fun
You got some gun, check it out, gimme some
‘Cause I’m about to play an old girl like a drum
She shackatack, poor soul settle down

Girl, what you gon’ do with all that body
{Shake it up all night}
Careful with that thing before you hurt somebody
{Tell me what you like}
Do it, baby

Let’s dance, let’s shout {Shout}
Shake your body down to the ground
Let’s dance, let’s shout {Shout}
Shake your body down to the ground

Let’s dance, let’s shout {Shout}
Shake your body down to the ground
Let’s dance, let’s shout {Shout}
Shake your body down to the ground

Gotta holla’ to my fellas who be hangin’ by the
Bathroom door
Waitin’ for the honeys dance in the dance floor
Push up and get the niggas y’all ready for the score
Now who’s the dog, you’re the one that sung hardcore,
Come on
I gotta take this part to a new high
Keep it tight, ain’t got no time no fight
You wanna be a player, better know to do it right
Kissin’ all the honeys under the disco light

Girl, what you gon’ do with all that body
{Shake it up all night}
Careful with that thing before you hurt somebody
{Tell me what you like}
Let ‘em know

Let’s dance, let’s shout {Shout}
Shake your body down to the ground
Let’s dance, let’s shout {Shout}
Shake your body down to the ground

Let’s dance, let’s shout {Shout}
Shake your body down to the ground
Let’s dance, let’s shout {Shout}
Shake your body down to the ground

Let’s dance

Take you where there’s all night action
Dancin’ to the beat with a passion
Mr. Lover party’s happenin’
Doin’ anything you and I can

I’ll take you where there’s all night action
Dancin’ to the beat with a passion
Mr. Lover party’s happenin’
Doin’ anything you and I can

Let’s dance, let’s shout {Shout}
Shake your body down to the ground
Let’s dance, let’s shout {Shout}
Shake your body down to the ground

Let’s dance, let’s shout {Shout}
Shake your body down to the ground
Let’s dance, let’s shout {Shout}
Shake your body down to the ground

So baby-baby, let me see you move your body pon the
Dancehall floor
Gotta one, just jigga, shake it up, gimme more
Jerk chicken on the grill, so make the champagne pour
Girl, don’t be a drag, I might show you the door
I like to see bodies take and shake
Dressed in lace, uh, and a perfect shape
Girls local and out of state
I got a couple of them and I’m gettin’ ready to mate

Cassandra, let’s shake {Shout}
Shake your body down to the ground
Michelle, let’s shake{Shout}
Shake your body down to the ground

I want Theresa to shake {Shout}
Shake your body down to the ground
Lisa to shake {Shout}
Shake your body down to the ground

Let’s dance, let’s shout {Shout}
Shake your body down to the ground
Let’s dance, let’s shout {Shout}
Shake your body down to the groundShaggy – Shake Shake Shake – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

Tracklist Mais Tocadas - Giro Musical 2023

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