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Letra Música Best Friend – Richie Campbell

You could a strip all the clothes from my back,
You could a take all of the food and the pot,
‘Cause that feeling yah no sell inna no shop.
But as long as I have…
My best friend,
The one that I love until the end.
You are my best friend,
The realest in the world we don’t have to pretend.
You’re my best friend,
The one that I love until the end.
You are my best friend,
You and me against the world and we don’t have to pretend.

Two years pass and it feels brand new,
All them other girls got nothing on you,
Always have your back and you have mine too,
You are my love my babe my boo.
You’re always on time,
Can’t get enough of you.
So kind, take up all the space inna my mind.
Have to tell the whole world one time.


I love every little thing about her,
From the tip of your toes to the taste of your lips.
Don’t need anybody but her,
from the tip of your nose to the shape of your hips.
You are my favorite playground, have to stay around,
Proud to walk beside you when we’re out on the town.
Never let you down, never make you frown,
I don’t want to lose what I found.


So never say good bye bye bye bye bye
Girl don’t make me cry cry cry cry cry
Me always ago try try try try try
Believe me no lie lie lie lie lie
So never say good bye bye bye bye bye
Girl don’t make me cry cry cry cry cry
Me always ago try try try try try
Until the day I die die die die die

My best friend,
The one that I love until the end.
You are my best friend,
The realest in the world we don’t have to pretend.
You’re my best friend,
The one that I love until the end.
You are my best friend,
You and me against the world and we don’t have to pretend.(x2)

I love every little thing about her.Richie Campbell – Best Friend – Ouvir Música

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