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Letra Música No One Like U – P-Square

Oh yeah eh eh eh eh
No one like you
One like you
Oh yeah e e e e
No one like you
No one, no one
How you doing
My angel, my one and only
The only one that I am missing
Whey they bring me joy and blessings
You know, that I love you and I can’t wait to say ‘I do’
But before we walk down the aisle, I just wanna let you know that
You are the finest ahhhhh
Na you be the finest being I’ve seen
You are the brightest ahhhhh
The way you dey shine you de bling like me
You are the highest ahhhhh
When it comes to rating you are the lead
My princess my only one other
Girl I just wanna let you know that

No one be like you
See I don go different places, I’ve seen many faces
No one be like you
So they cannot replace you, coz you are a blessing
No one be like you
You driving me crazy coz you are my baby
No one be like you
No one

No one like you
One like you
No one
No one no one

About a year ago before I met you
Girl there was no possibility for me to be rescued
But thank God I found you girl
I cannot do without you
Now since I dey go different places I seen many faces
I cannot replace you
With you I dey gain many places
Girl you are my life
You are the finest
Girl you be the finest being I’ve seen
You are the brightest
The way you dey shine you dey bling like me
You are the highest ahhhhh
When it comes to rating you are the lead
My princess, my only one and other
Girl it’s time to let you know that

No one be like you
See I don go different places, I’ve seen many faces
No one be like you
So they cannot replace you, coz you are a blessing
No one be like you
You driving me crazy coz you are my baby
No one be like you
No one

No one like you
One like you
No one
One like you

That’s why we say
oh yeah eh eh eh eh

No one like you
Oh yeah eh eh eh eh
One like you

Girl you are the finest
Girl na you be the finest I’ve ever seen
The way you dey shine you dey bling like queen
When it comes to rating you are the lead
My princess, my only one other
Girl I guess it’s time to let you know that
No one be like you

So many things
Without you
There’s no possibility
There’s no positivity
Always negativity
Thank god I found you eh
You were my everything
You were my destiny
This is reality
Oh yeah

Oh yeah eh eh eh eh
Oh yeahP-Square – No One Like U – Ouvir Música

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