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Letra Música Sunshine – Matisyahu

Keep on moving till the first rays of dawn
Keeping it on till the day is done
Morning till the night time blaze is on
All along I keep singing my song
I said, this phase is always
Sometimes I get so crazed
But just know that I’ll always stay
‘Cause you’re my light through the haze
It’s time for a champion
Soothe the soul of the land
Mend the heart from the sea and the sand
Until the sun comes up again

It’s time for a champion
Soothe the soul of the land
Mend the heart from the sea and the sand
Until the sun comes up again

Reach for the sky
Keep your eye on the prize
Forever in my mind
Be my golden sunshine
It’s raining in your mind
So push them clouds aside
Forever by my side
You’re my golden sunshine

When the sun set I let myself down
Found the ground beneath my feet gone
No more words were there to speak
On that day my song was born
Never meant to leave you all alone
Said I’d be your shelter from the storm
Now your clothes have all been torn
Kingdom sacked attacked and dethroned

Its time for a champion
Soothe the soul of the land
Mend the heart from the sea and the sand
Until the sun comes up again

Its time for a champion
Soothe the soul of the land
Mend the heart from the sea and the sand
Until the sun comes up again

Reach for the sky
Keep your eye on the prize
Forever in my mind
Be my golden sunshine
It’s raining in your mind
So push them clouds aside
Forever by my side
You’re my golden sunshine

It’s the way of the world
You’re on your own
Time to grow and be a man
Want to fly high like peter pan
No more never never land
So lose your backpack filled with sand
Come along and take my hand
We’ll walk together for forever

Reach for the sky
Keep your eye on the prize
Forever by my side
Your my golden sunshine
Fits raining in your mind
So push those clouds aside
Forever by my side
Your my golden sun

Reach for the sky
Keep your eye on the prize
Forever in my mind
Be my golden sunshine
It’s raining in your mind
So push them clouds aside
Forever by my side
You’re my golden sunshine

Oh oh oh oh oh
Walk with me now, talk with me now, baby
Bo bo bo bo bo
Walk with me momma, talk with me now

Oh oh oh oh oh
Walk with me now, talk with me now, baby
Bo bo bo bo bo
Walk with me momma, talk with me nowMatisyahu – Sunshine – Ouvir Música

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