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Letra Música Different Colours / One People – Lucky Dube

Breaking those barriers
All over the world
Was not an easy thing
Yesterday your mouth was shut yeah
Couldn’t make a sound eh boy
But it’s such a good feeling today
When I can hear them from
Across the ocean singing this song
That the whole world should be singing
All the time
Different colours, one people
Different colours, one people
Different colours, one people
Different colours, one people
Different colours, one people
Different colours, one people

Hey you government
Never try to seperate the people
Hey you politician
Never try to seperate the people

They were created in the image of God
And who are you to seperate them
Bible says, he made man in his image
But it didn’t say black or white
Look at me you see BLACK
I look at you I see WHITE
Now is the time to kick that away
And join me in my song

Different colours, one people
Different colours, one people
Different colours, one people
Different colours, one people
Different colours, one people
Different colours, one people

Hey you politician
Never seperate the people here
Hey you man hey you man
Never try to seperate the people

Some were from America
We were from South Africa
Some were from Japan
We were from China
Some were from Australia
We were from the U.K.
Some were from Zimbabwe
We were from Ghana
Some were from Jamaica
We were from Russia
Some were from Aha-ha-ha
We were from Uhu-hu-hu

Different colours, one people
Different colours, one peopleLucky Dube – Different Colours / One People – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

Tracklist Mais Tocadas - Giro Musical 2023

No Norte – O som das rádios


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