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Letra Música Give Me a Reason – Lady Saw

If i can give myself all the reason for being with you,
I can’t see why you can’t give me reason for your acting
Through all these funny things like stayin’ out late at night,
Making me spend all sobbing lonely nights, baby, you know
You’re drivin’ me crazy, you’ve been truth(?) for me
Just give me a reason why we fuss and fight
Give me a reason why i have to spend these lonely nights
Is there a reason why you fall for other girls
When i thought i was the number one lady in your world

Just give me a reason why you make me cry
Is there a reason why i have to spend these lonely nights
Tell me the reason why you tow around the world
And why, in god’s name, you wanna make me into your girl

Even though, baby, you did me wrong, baby
The feeling inside of me, baby, is – ooh so strong
I’ve tried in a million ways to make you happy
But i keep on wondering, do you love me

Just give me a reason why we fuss and fight
I need a reason why i have to spend these lonely nights
Is there a reason why you fall for other girls
When i thought i was the number one lady in your world

Just give me a reason why you make me cry
Is there a reason why i have to spend these lonely nights
Tell me the reason why you tow around the realm
And why, oh baby why,you make me into your clown

If i give you the chance i know you would leave me now,baby
After all we’ve been through, our plans about tomorrow
You’ve broken my heart, baby, you’ve ruined my soul
Is there a chance for me, tell me or let me go

Just give me a reason why we fuss and fight
Is there a reason why i have to spend these lonely nights
Is there a reason why you fall for other girls
When i thought i was the number one lady in your world

Just give me a reason why you make me cry
Is there a reason why i have to spend these lonely nights
Tell me the reason why you tow around the world
And why, in god’s name, do you make me into your girl ?

Why, in god’s name, did i build my world around you, baby ?
When all that you do, baby, is make me so blue
I’ve tried in a million ways to make you happy
But i keep on wondering, do you love me ?

Just give me a reason……Lady Saw – Give Me a Reason – Ouvir Música

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