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Letra Música Peace – Jimmy Cliff

How is there going to be peace
When there is no justice? Oh no, oh
How is there going to be peace
When there is no justice? Oh no, oh
Someone is taking more than their share
Of the bounties of this land and that’s not fair
So little people got more than they need
While there’s so many hungry mouths
In the world to feed
And I would give my heart so true
And I will give my love for you, tell me

How is there going to be peace
When there is no justice? Oh no, oh
How is there going to be peace
When there is no justice? Oh no, oh

Someone is taking my share
And they just don’t give a damn
No they don’t care
So you just might as well face it
‘Cause it ain’t no other way to erase it
But I will give my heart so true
And I will give my love for you, tell me

How is there going to be peace
When there is no justice? Oh no, oh
How is there going to be peace
When there is no justice? Oh no, oh

Tell me if you know now

I will give my heart so true
And I will give my love for you, tell me

How is there going to be peace
When there is no justice? Oh no, oh
(How is there going to be peace)
And I want you to tell me how
‘Cause you got to face it
(When there is no justice?)
‘Cause it’s got to be erased, man
(Oh no)
I know and I know and you know
(How is there going to be peace)
If you know another way, tell me how
(When there is no justice? Oh no)
It’s got to be erased
(How is there going to be peace)
And I want you to tell me now about the kids
(When there is no justice? Oh no)
I know you know, man. Hey
I’ll care about you
(How is there going to be peace)
There will be no peace
(When there is no justice? Oh no)
I knowJimmy Cliff – Peace – Ouvir Música

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