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Letra Música Praising – Groundation

The road was long and narrow
All of dem a feed down in the shadows
The war was famed and terrible
Taken them into the garden of helam
They back them down in the depths of the sea
When they use to call,they use to call upon we
When them use to sell children laughing and a talk
The river them forge,to the valley them swarn
They’ve gone to the mountain to face god
Beg them forgivness for they have forgive us
I beg the man the answers before then
Call onto the sea which once was my friend
Well now, well now,
Well the light bus the night
Iya-man declare want to be the leaders of them world
Well now the moon bus the night
And the rhythm’s just right
Hollowed in the mur sign upon dem leaders of the world
Praising,praising, jahovah
Praising,praising, jahovah

And if they haven’t heard let them learn
Our freedom we’ll take man were it was never earned
Run with your culture ah-ha-aha-ah
Run with your culture, oh lord

They use to rob I man honey tree
Sell all their arms to the
Entrap us with dignity
You’ve captured our livity
Still inna before, the night come
They can recall them hearts of war
They shall deliver the fortress
Onto the sea, jah never judge them
Give glory and before the mountain jah shall see
All of them use to ride pon the
Herd upon the hillside, live upon the road
Jah-jah know the heaven, but the river them foe

And if they haven’t heard let them learn
Our freedom we’ll take man were it was never earned
Run with your culture ah-ha-aha-ah
Run with your culture, oh lord…

They use to rob I man honey tree
Sell all theirs arms to the
Entrap us with dignity
You’ve capture our livity
Ya keep dem down in this dungeon for what?
Keeping us down in this dungeon for what?
Ya use to rob I man honey tree
Them covet jah can’t you see

But we still come riding, still come riding
Still come riding, still come riding

Well now, well now,
Well the light bus the night
Iya-man declare want to be the leaders of them world
Well now the moon bus the night
And the rhythm’s just right
Hollowed in the mur sign upon dem leaders of the world
Praising,praising, jahovah
Praising,praising, jahovah
Prainsing, praisingGroundation – Praising – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

Tracklist Mais Tocadas - Giro Musical 2023

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