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Letra Música Picture On The Wall – Groundation

Yes I want back the picture that hangs on your wall
For where once the sun rose now night falls
Some may say oh what a blue sky in sight
Well now out of the distance I see lightning strike
I will never hide them, hide them all
I could never fear them, fear them all
Over there shall come a new light shinning in this here dark
For the Most High dwells with man tonight
See the fountain of Eden flow
Was born out of the heart of man
Who could not see them as they pray on them
Just as war fell upon our land, I do not understand
For who Jah choose is why I, I, I and I & I
Shall bring forth these axes freeing us out of bondage
And we could finally rest our weary souls
In which we fight the holy wars
Jah, Jah, knows it’s true, in everything that we do
Oh, Jah knows it’s true, La da da da

I want to roll, want to hide, want to drift away
Beyond these bombs, beyond these walls,
Beyond these hypocrites
Oh, but I will never right them, right them all
I could never fear them, fear them all
Over there shall come a new kight shinning in this here dark
For the Most High dwells with I tonight
Down in the valley of Johannesburg cry
Echoes of the tears shed for life
While they refuse to hear they pray on them
Just as war fell upon our land, I do not understand
For who Jah choose is why I, I, I and I & I
Shall bring forth these axes freeing us out of bondage
And we could finally rest our weary souls
In which we fight those holy wars

See dem as they come to dis a paradise
We shall know them who have come to service pon the right
I man see them as they try to take dem paradise
I know dem who have come to hide their
Hearts beneath these lies, La da da da
And this is all, I’ve seen today, yes this is all I’ve seen
todayGroundation – Picture On The Wall – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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