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Letra Música Babylon Rule Dem – Groundation

Standing so I can see them beneath the morning sky
All those who seek to climb so high
To insure the river Jordan will not run dry
All of the tears run out of the valley high
Oh a den Mesada! I fear the War’s out
Tell Father they’ve come, oh tell Mother they’ve come
Lord forgive they for they have stamped on the ocean
Oh forgive them who trampled by the way side
Lord forgive them who trot upon the ocean
Lord forgive them for all of dem a they don’t know
They sit there robbing de poor
We shall stand upon the lies they told
Rocking the boat that they stole,
Remember Babylon rule them, Dread Iyon Dread
Dem a payaka, want to live and be so free yeah, oh lord
Now if dem want to live, if dem want to live, oh now shelter we
Oh Father they stole, another one, another country poor
Oh another one, another country poor
Well now the youth man say
Well now the Convenant say, oh the youth man say
And the a government now they don’t know
Now they don’t see Jah people don’t want to
Believe them, no more, they are deceive yes, no more
While they sit in their illusion wondering how
Babylon rule dem, rule them

So dem, so dem man, so dem a masses have cried
And left them all out, and left them all out
To suffer inna dis a ghetto while dem trampled out
On my soul, Brought to you dem
Lepo paya, dem Lepo paya, Lepo paya gone a Ethiopia
Lepo paya, dem Lepo paya, Lepo paya gone a Ethiopia

Standing so I can see them beneath the morning sky
Seeking to climb the ladder so high
Oh the mighty Jordan will not run dry
So our tear drop from valley to the sky
Oh they don’t know, they sit there punishing the poor
While all my brethren a lock up ‘pon the floor
Give us our justice and we will seek no more
Remember Babylon rule dem, Dread Iyon Dread
Dem a payaka, want to live and be so free, oh lord
Man if ya want to live, if ya want to live, oh now shelter we
Oh dear Mother and Father come look at me,
Flying so peacefully
Oh now de, now de Father come run uponthe I-shed
Oh dear Sistren come upon the ocean
Oh my Idren run upon the I-shed
Oh dear Sistren run upon a dey don’t know
Now they don’t see Jah people don’t want to
Believe them, no more, they are deceive yes, no more
While they sit in their illusion wondering how
Oh Babylon rule them, rule themGroundation – Babylon Rule Dem – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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