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Letra Música The Heathen – Bob Marley

the heathen back they ‘pon the wall!
the heathen back, yeah, ‘pon the wall!
the heathen back they ‘pon the wall!
the heathen back, yeah, ‘pon the wall!
Rise up fallen fighters,
Rise and take your stance again.
‘Tis he who fight and run away
Live to fight another day.
With the heathen back they ‘pon the wall!
the heathen back, yeah, ‘pon the wall!
the heathen back they ‘pon the wall!
the heathen back, yeah, ‘pon the wall!

As a man sow, shall he reap
And I know that talk is cheap.
But the hotter the battle
A the sweeter Jah victory.
With the heathen back they ‘pon the wall!
the heathen back, yeah, ‘pon the wall!
the heathen back they ‘pon the wall!
the heathen back, yeah, ‘pon the wall!

the heathen back they ‘pon the wall!
the heathen back, yeah, ‘pon the wall!
the heathen back they ‘pon the wall!
the heathen back, yeah, ‘pon the wall!

Rise up, fallen fighters,
Rise and take your stance again.
‘Tis he who fight and run away,
Live to fight another day.
the heathen back they ‘pon the wall!
the heathen back, yeah, ‘pon the wall!
the heathen back they ‘pon the wall!
the heathen back, yeah, ‘pon the wall!
the heathen back they ‘pon the wall!
the heathen back, yeah, ‘pon the wall!
the heathen back they ‘pon the wall!
the heathen back, yeah, ‘pon the wall!
the heathen back they ‘pon the wall!
the heathen back, yeah, ‘pon the wall!
the heathen back they ‘pon the wall!
the heathen back, yeah, ‘pon the wall!Bob Marley – The Heathen – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

Tracklist Mais Tocadas - Giro Musical 2023

Confronto das ideias | Sonorização


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