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Letra Música Concrete Jungle – Bob Marley

No Sun will shine in my day today
(No Sun will shine)
The high yellow Moon won’t come out to play
(That high yellow Moon won’t come out to play)
I said darkness has covered my light (darkness has covered my light)
And has changed my day into night, yeah (and has changed my day into night)
Where is the love to be found?
Won’t someone tell me?

‘Cause life (sweet life)
Must be somewhere to be found (has to be out there somewhere for me)
Instead of concrete jungle (jungle, jungle, jungle)
Where the living is hardest (concrete jungle)

Concrete jungle (concrete jungle, jungle, jungle)
Man, you’ve got to do your best (concrete jungle)
Oh, yeah

No chains around my feet, but I’m not free, oh
I know I am bound here in captivity
Yeah, now (never know what happiness is)
I’ve never known happiness, yeah
I’ve never known what sweet caress is (never know what sweet caress is)
Still, I’ll be always laughing like a clown
Won’t someone help me?

‘Cause I (sweet life, has to be)
I’ve got to pick myself from off the ground (out there somewhere for me)
In this here, concrete jungle (jungle, jungle, jungle)
I said: What do you got for me now? Oh (concrete jungle)

Concrete jungle (concrete jungle, jungle, jungle)
Why won’t you let me be now? Yeah (concrete jungle)
Oh, yeah

I said that life (sweet life)
It must be somewhere to be found (has to be out there somewhere for me)
Oh, instead of concrete jungle (jungle, jungle, jungle)
Illusion (concrete jungle)
Confusion (concrete jungle), eh

Concrete jungle (concrete jungle)
You name it, you’ve got it in
Concrete jungle now (concrete jungle), eh

Concrete jungle (jungle, jungle, jungle)
What do you got for me now? (Concrete jungle)Bob Marley – Concrete Jungle – Ouvir Música

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