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Letra Música Ambush In The Night – Bob Marley

(Ooh-wee, ooh-wee, ooh-wa!)
See them fighting for power (ooh-wee, ooh-wee, ooh-wa!)
But they know not the hour (ooh-wee, ooh-wee, ooh-wa!)
So they bribing with their guns, spare-parts and money
Trying to belittle our
Integrity now
They say what we know
Is just what they teach us
And we’re so ignorant
‘Cause every time they can reach us (shoobe, doo-wa)
Through political strategy (shoo-be, doo-wa)
They keep us hungry (shoobe, doo-wa)
And when you gonna get some food (shoobe, doo-wa)
Your brother got to be your enemy, we-e-ell!
Ambush in the night
All guns aiming at me
Ambush in the night
They opened fire on me now
Ambush in the night
Protected by His Majesty
Ooh-wee, ooh-wee. Ooh-wa-ooh!
(Ooh-wee) Ooh-wee, ooh-wee (ooh-wa), Ooh-wa!
Ooh-wee, ooh-wee, ooh wa-ooh!
Ooh-wee, ooh-wee, ooh wa-ah!

Well, what we know
Is not what they tell us
We’re not ignorant, I mean it
And they just cannot touch us
Through the powers of the Most-I (shoobe, doo-wa)
We keep on surfacin’ (shoobe, doo-wa)
Thru the powers of the Most-I (shoobe, doo-wa)
We keep on survivin’

Yeah, this ambush in the night
Planned by society
Ambush in the night
They tryin’ to conquer me
Ambush in the night
Anyt’ing money can bring
Ambush in the night
Planned by society
Ambush in the nightBob Marley – Ambush In The Night – Ouvir Música

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