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Letra Música Burn – Usher

I don’t understand why
See it’s burning me to hold on to this
I know this is something I gotta do
But that don’t mean I want to
What I’m trying to say is that I-love-you I just
I feel like this is coming to an end
And it’s better for me to let it go now than hold on and hurt you
I gotta let it burn
It’s gonna burn for me to say this
But it’s comin from my heart
It’s been a long time coming
But we done been fell apart
Really wanna work this out
But I don’t think ya gonna change ya
I do but you don’t
Think it’s best we go our separate ways
Tell me why I should stay in this relationship
When I’m hurting baby, I ain’t happy baby
Plus there’s so many other things I gotta deal with
I think that you should let it burn

When your feeling ain’t the same and your body don’t want to
But you know gotta let it go ‘cause the party ain’t jumpin’ like it used to
Even though this might bruise you
Let it burn
Let it burn
Gotta let it burn

Deep down you know it’s best for yourself but you
Hate the thought of her being with someone else
But you know that it’s over
You know that it was through
Let it burn
Let it burn
Gotta let it burn

Sendin’ pages I ain’t supposed to
Got somebody here but I want you
Cause the feelin ain’t the same find myself
Callin’ her your name
Ladies tell me do you understand?
Now all my fellas do you feel my pain?
It’s the way I feel
I know I made a mistake
Now it’s too late
I know she ain’t comin back
What I gotta do now
To get my shorty back
Oooh oooh oooh ooooh
Man I don’t know what I’m gonna do
Without my booo
You’ve been gone for too long
It’s been fifty-eleven days, um-teen hours
I’ma be burnin’ till you return (let it burn)

When your feeling ain’t the same and your body don’t want to
But you know gotta let it go ‘cause the party ain’t jumpin’ like it used to
Even though this might bruise you
Let it burn (let it burn, let it burn, you gon’learn)
Let it burn (gotta let it burn)
Gotta let it burn

Deep down you know it’s best for yourself but you
Hate the thought of her being with someone else
But you know that it’s over
You know that it was through
Let it burn
Let it burn
Gotta let it burn

I’m twisted ‘cause one side of me is tellin’ me that I need to move on
On the other side I wanna break down and cry (ooh)
I’m twisted ‘cause one side of me is tellin’ me that I need to move on
On the other side I wanna break down and cry (yeah)

Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh oooh
Ooh ooh ooh (can ya feel me burnin’?)
Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh oooh

So many days, so many hours
I’m still burnin’ till you return

When your feeling ain’t the same and your body don’t want to
But you know gotta let it go ‘cause the party ain’t jumpin’ like it used to
Even though this might bruise you
Let it burn
Let it burn
Gotta let it burn

Deep down you know it’s best for yourself but you
Hate the thought of her being with someone else
But you know that it’s over
You know that it was through
Let it burn
Let it burn
Gotta let it burnUsher – Burn – Ouvir Música

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