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Letra Música Try Me – The Weeknd

Anytime is the time
Anytime for you to get my call, baby (so, baby)
Are you alone, baby?
Babe, if he ain’t around, pick up your phone, baby
Can you try me? (Try me), try me (try me)
Once you put your pride aside
You can notify me (-fy me), -fy me (-fy me)
You’re the best I ever had
Baby girl, remind me (-mind me), -mind me (-mind me)
Let me know if it’s on
And you know where to find me, find me
Having thoughts you never had, yeah

I didn’t know you were down for him finding out
I thought you had some kind of love for your man
Well, I’m not tryin’ to break up something
You’ve been workin’ out, you’ve been steady
But I’m ready to go all the way if you let me
Don’t you tempt me

You’re lookin’ grown since the last time I looked at you
It might have been, been about a couple months
But I just got the picture that you texted to me
You ain’t steady, you look ready to go all the way
If you let me take you down on me

Can you try me? (Try me), try me (try me)
Once you put your pride aside (once you put your pride aside)
You can notify me (-fy me), -fy me (-fy me)
You’re the best I ever had (you’re the best I ever had)
Baby girl, remind me (-mind me), -mind me (-mind me)
Let me know if it’s on (let me know)
And you know where to find me, find me
Having thoughts you never had, yeah

Can you try me? Try me, try me
Once you put your pride aside
You can notify me, -fy me
You’re the best I ever had (you’re the best I’ve ever had)
Baby girl, remind me, -mind me
Let me know if it’s on (let me know, baby)
And you know where to find me (find me), find me (find me)
Having thoughts you never had, yeah

Oh, lo
Lo-lo-lo-lo-lo, lo-lo-lo
Better try me

Don’t you mess with me
Don’t you mess with me
The way I kissed your scars
The way I fixed your heart
Don’t you miss me, babe?
Don’t you miss me, baby?The Weeknd – Try Me – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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